Checkout Extensions Pro

Discover Our Top Shopify Checkout Features

Maximize Efficiency and Revenue with Top Shopify checkout Features

Upsell & cross sell offers

Increase order value with targeted product suggestions during checkout.

Post purchase upsells

Maximize sales with targeted post-purchase offers.

Age validator

Present age-restricted items or additional purchase options with ease.

Delivery instructions

Allow customers to provide specific delivery details.

Shipping and delivery date picker

Let customers choose their preferred delivery dates.

Image banner

Showcase promotional banners or product highlights at checkout.

Trust badges

Build trust with customers by displaying secure payment and verified seller badges.

Contact details

Provide clear contact information for customer inquiries.


Showcase customer reviews and feedback directly at checkout.

Motivational quotes

Inspire and motivate customers with personalized quotes during checkout.

Progress bar

Display checkout progress and encourage completion.

Free shipping bar

Show customers how close they are to receiving free shipping.

Address blocker

Prevent certain addresses or regions from completing the checkout process.

Single line text field

Capture simple input from your customers with a single line text field.

Multi line text field

Allow customers to provide detailed input with a multi line text field.

Datepicker field

Let customers select a date using an easy-to-use date picker.

Select box field

Offer a dropdown menu with predefined options for your customers.

Phone field

Collect customer phone numbers easily with a dedicated phone field.

Checkbox field

Use checkboxes to allow customers to opt into specific options or services.

Single choice list field

Provide customers with a single choice list to select one option from multiple.

Multiple choice list field

Allow customers to choose multiple options from a list.

Information text banner

Use this banner to keep them informed about new features, policies, or other relevant details.

Success text banner

Use banner for Ideal for confirming completed transactions, successful submissions, or positive feedback.

Warning text banner

Use banner useful for notifying customers of potential problems or actions they should be aware of.